Sunday, 7 November 2010

Why am I so goddamned trollable?

Alright, first things first, as of this past Monday, I've been being called almost nonstop by people who have decided that they want to troll me IRL. It started with yes, the recording of the Scientology Resource Center calling my apartment, then continued a few moments later with two more phone calls that were playing Star Wars music a la Darth Vader's theme. I started to suspect that it was a group I used to run with that has resorted to harassing me online and IRL called Casa Umbrae, which has members based in the USA, Europe, and Asia.

Sidenote: Casa Umbrae is an annoying clique of conspiracy theorists and trolls who follow worship a girl she-bitch sociopath from Scotland by the alias of "Cazzerpot 'Caz' Ruzult", a 14-year old she-troll who has been the ringleader of the harassment directed towards me. I happen to know her real name, which may be useful in reporting her, I don't know.

Anyhow, that troll by the name of Deinarious was one of Casa Umbrae's members, most likely Caz, or one of her underlings (Steph, Anna, Stevie, Jordan, Vaughan, it could be any one of those I'm betting), because of the things that they shared about me. Deinarious/Deine were two old aliases of mine that I used to use frequently in the past, though the only thing I still use with those aliases is my DDO account. I'm grateful that Holy put out the order to ban Deinarious, but now, whomever is calling, still most-likely Caz or one of her underlings. I no longer have any contact with anyone in "CU" as they called themselves, but now, things have started getting a little hairier.

Tonight, one of them called at 2 AM, while I was sleeping, and woke me up.I didn't pick up the phone, since it was 2 fucking AM, but I haven't been able to go back to sleep, even with the phone unplugged, because I am feeling rather worked up about it right now. Not bothered or anything, just rather manic and perhaps a little cheesed. I've already received advice from my roommate to call the AT&T Annoying Calls Bureau, which will put a tracer on my phone line to record my calls and then report people who are harassing me to law enforcement, but unfortunately, according to their hotline, I probably need an open police report or whatever it's called just to get their help, but I'm kind of nervous about dealing with the incompetent, disabled-persons-assaulting, uncaring-in-regards-to-the-ghetto-or-boonies people that is the local police where I live. I'll have to end up doing that anyways probably on Monday, or I could take the "pussy route" and change my phone number, have it removed from the phone book, and place myself on the Do Not Call list for the third time…

The question is do I want to bother taking action, or just outwit, outsmart, and outlast these trolls until they get bored or think I've done what I know they expect me to and gone insane/commited an hero. I know these people, they want me dead honestly. I just have this feeling that they won't stop until they think I am. I have an answering machine that I could use to screen calls, and chances are that if I want to/can, I could buy a cheap, newer one that has Caller ID and then pay the extra $5 or so to spring for the service, change my phone number, and have my number removed from the phonebook.

I'm going to have to deal with these creeps sooner or later, because it's not healthy nor fiscally responsible for me to *not* sleep, and I say both because when I don't sleep, I eat more often lol. I just really hope that this is the last time I have to say their name.

This time though, I'm not afraid. I won't let them get to me anymore. Besides, if they resort to breaking and entering, my roommate said himself he would kill them with his own two hands lol. And he's pretty strong for someone in his late fifties lol

Either way, I'm in a better mood now after sharing this little rant in tQP, so I'm going to have a much needed drink and maybe have breakfast a little early lol

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